Where would be the best place to buy international goods nowadays? If your answer is some WeChat accounts which some strangers claim they can bring you overseas milk powder with low price, I would say you have missed the opportunity to purchase overseas products in person within one-hour drive. Located in Nansha, Guangzhou, Area of Guangdong Free Trade Zone, Funsens offers cross border direct purchase service to domestic customers.The center was opened on May 1, which was seen as one of the many achievements after the Guangdong FTZ begins operation on April 21. The experience center offers thousands of overseas goods including foods, healthy products, milk powder, cosmetics, etc. Compared to Haitao, (a Chinese term refers to people buy overseas products online) the experience center imports mass number of products directly from companies overseas.Thus, the surcharge caused among different distributors was eliminated, which leads to unquestionable price reduction.
Address: Binhai Juncheng Shopping Mall, Area of Guangdong Free Trade Zone, Nansha, Guangzhou,