Nansha Tianhou Temple (Palace)


    Location: No. 88 Tianhou Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou

    Rating: AAAA

    Sightseeing Theme: Seasons&Outdoor / History&Heritage / Religious Culture / Arts&History

    Opening Hours: 8: 30 - 17: 00

    Admission: RMB 20 per ticket

    Key Words: Parent-Child Fun,Vacation,Places of Interest,Leisure,Religion

    About: Facing the Lingding Ocean,the mouth of the Pearl River, Nansha Tianhou Temple is a mazu temple on the southeastern slope of the Dajiao Mountain in Guangzhou City. It covers about 100 hectares (247.1 acres). It was built to worship the goddess of sea,also called Mazu by the people, whose real name is Linmo (960-987). The architecture combines both the style of the Forbidden City in Beijing and the sublimity of Dr.Sun Yatsen's Mausoleum in Nanjing. It is the largest palace compound its category in the world. It is reputed as the "First Tianhou Temple under Heaven" and the biggest Mazu Temple in southeastern Asia.

    Services: Hotel nearby

    Transportation:Take Guangzhou Metro Line Line 4, get off at Huangge Station (黄阁站), then transfer to Bus No. 3; or get off at Jiaomen Station (蕉门站), and transfer to Bus No. 4 or 5; or get off at Jinzhou Station (金洲站), and transfer to Bus No. 4, 5, 18, or 19.