Since thebeginning of this year, international epidemics such as plague, Ebolahemorrhagic fever, Nipah virus disease, Rift Valley fever, measles and denguefever have occurred frequently. The summer has arrived, and the cyclical peakof international travelers will be ushered in. It is expected that the numberof leaving/entering the Guangdong ports (excluding Shenzhen and Zhuhai) willreach 4.7 million during this period. In order to protect the health and safetyof our citizens, in accordance with the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law ofthe People's Republic Of China and its implementation rules, Guangzhou Customsissued a notice on July 11 to remind international travelers to pay attentionto the health during international travel.
The notice reminds that travelers can log on theGuangzhou Customs website's epidemic bulletin column( to check the global epidemic of infectiousdiseases, and also consult or visit local customs and its International TravelHealth Care Center or visit the website of Guangdong International TravelHealth Care Center ( for health advice.
If you have symptoms of infectious disease such as fever,headache, cough, difficult breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache,muscle pain, joint pain, rash, jaundice, etc. when going abroad, you should reportto the Customs and cancel or postpone the trip and immediately seek medicalattention.